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Anarchy City Council
few months ago there were laid off with my article entitled: "ANARCHY IN THE COMMON", today we meet again in the pages of this renewed period to give you some updates. In fact, since the people Mazaresi elected Mayor Nicola Cristaldi, to suffer from the syndrome of anarchy is no longer the City but the City Council. It happens that, legally speaking, the system of hierarchy of sources of law, practices and customs, have exceeded for active and passive force, the regulations. Any constitutional lawyer would have made a domestic case, but apparently the city council to Mazara del Vallo everything is permitted. It happens that the President, who now conventionally call "designer", leave at the end of the interventions in the lineup, and is preparing to improvise a political speech, joining the movement "Thanks to us." It happens that the "designer", with its bell, calls the majority of councilors to follow in their actions al tema all’O.d.G. ma peccato che nel frattempo accade che, i membri della minoranza oscillino, come la concezione di vita di Arthur Schopenhauer, tra il “dolore” e la “noia”. Accade che i consiglieri di maggioranza a circa cinque minuti dall’inizio dell’intervento, siano fermati dal “drin-drin” del campanellino presidenziale…e fin qui nulla di strano. Purtroppo accade che i consiglieri di minoranza parlino ininterrottamente fino all’esaurirsi di argomenti, contenuti, lingue e ghiandole salivari. Fin qui nessuno scandalo, perché il bello arriverà più tardi, quando convinti tutti che sia arrivata l’ora della votazione dell’atto trattato, ecco spuntare dal “basso” del dizionario della lingua Italiana, Zanichelli, una sfilza d’interventi della minoranza, in altre parole, assistiamo all’inizio della “Passerella”, il più alto momento di deformazione politica permanente. Inizia, il “matematico”, che si rivolge ai cittadini, e non alla Presidenza, da vero show-man, che poverino cerca sempre di capire. Infatti, chiede all’esasperazione chiarimenti, al nostro Vice-Sindaco, che una volta acquisiti, a un certo punto si “illumina d’immenso”, e da alunno che vuol capire, si trasforma in Insegnante che vuol spiegare, esordendo con lo stereotipo consolidato: "Citizens, I explain what happens." Then we see the prediction of impending natural disasters and not worthy of the fittest Nostradamus, by King-Arthur, frowning hoped, hoped, hopes, and despairs. But, when we think again, it's time to vote, check here is the intervention of the leader of the PDL-S, which stands for "People of Freedom - excommunicated", that great orator, the maximum expression of Sicily, and generous man, offers an opportunity to those who had tuned in at the moment, to understand what happened during the "crossover" with a broad outline of the operations and activities administration of our administration. (In summary, partial or total breach of Art.7, art.49, art.50, art.53 C.11, art.55, art.67 of Regulation on the work of the Municipal Council). Not to mention the various Jack the opponent, De Truglio, the "dancer" rebel Good Spouse and Mr. Giampiero, genuine copies of the stereotypes described above and also to some distant relative. And the best part is that this happens under the religious silence of some of our Cariddiani (there are exceptions). But at this point, the question springs to mind: "But with all these shows, not wanting to become models?". The answer, at this point, also springs to mind. Given the skill of the designer, I think they are worth taking off for the big brands "Volta & Gabbana," Pardon! "Dolce & Gabbana." Yes, models of hypocrisy for the autumn-winter. At this point, witnessed the madness of fools, I can only say: "Bertolaso \u200b\u200byou think about it ...." Hoping that will accept the message, and intervene with its Civil Protection, (I do not want his friend Robert Frazier) to be used however, in the strictest sense of the name, in other words, protect citizens from these models of hypocrisy. Forgive me, dear City Council, but unfounded, Tiziano Ferro l’aveva promesso: “Ti scatterò una foto...”.
Giorgio Randazzo
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