Thursday, November 4, 2010

Games Bow And Arrow Balloons

The Memorial "Rosario quince" - Conference "will not fall again!"

The Memorial" Rosario Hence, in memory of the young man a year ago lost his life due to a tragic accident. The UNAC (National Union of Carabinieri) has decided to recall, in addition to organizing commemorative ritual function, a conference entitled "No more helmet" inherent issues regarding the use of helmets, explaining the causes, statistics, useful preventive action. All this, thanks to the contribution of self Honourable civil and military authorities. The conference is open to all citizens, but especially to young people aged between 14 and 18 years for senbilizzarli, so the disappearance of many young people as Rosario is not vain, but serve for the future.
The event program is as follows:
- 9:30 am Millions mark function at the Church of St. Gemma;
-10:30 am, the conference "will not fall again!", With the presence of civilian authorities and military exhibition will give their contribution, and the presence of students from all high schools in the city.
thank you for the post-acute care, please spread the invitation so that you can run into many.



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