DEAR MAYOR, I go to the opposition of Giampaolo Caruso
is a continuous protest and also I want to give voice to the protest. In this city you do not understand anything. He is right when he says that the opposition was better when it was worse. E 'is not it possible that you have noticed that this city is no longer the same? Since you've been elected, I do not recognize this city anymore! Would you made the list? We start with the question Umberto I °. Do you think that now people resume normal walking? And 'it possible that in our city can continue along the entire course without intoxicated exhaust? My generation grew up there with those gases. Why do we remove the possibility to grow so too our children? To say nothing of those jars and benches and plants. Shame! Did you bring in even the color! It is the history of the railway? But how you came to mind after all these years you want to delete the level crossing and the tracks without suppressing the service? Do you realize how many generations have spent countless moments waiting behind bars, some have become friends and there are those who got in retirement, in short a lifetime waiting for you and now we want to remove once and and for all! I have not finished dear Mayor. But I say, how did you leave? For 20 plus years, all those who have preceded you have never, and never, daring to put his hand in the middle town. None! Now you came and this center is not the same! What are you trying to do? But now you realize that you can walk the streets without a knife peck? You know that rats and cockroaches are homeless? You put in mind that in the center can not be more drugs in freedom? Not to mention all those people who even now is beginning to wander the narrow streets and began to read the legend that is on the tiles, she begins to remember who we were and who we are and, more importantly, are doing the same thing new generations! And the Villa? All decked clean, new benches, new plants, colorful jars, the fountain ripristinata, i leoni tra poco si mettono a ruggire, le fontane riprese e il pozzo di San Giovanni, lo stesso. Ti rendi conto che a un turista che vede tutti questi colori, questa nuova linfa, questo percorso di vicoli che addirittura ti sei messo in testa di incrementare e farne il fiore all'occhiello della città, potrebbe venirgli pure in mente di ritornare e portare con se amici e parenti? Che vergogna!! E poi ti chiedo ancora - e con questa stavolta ti metto KO - come ti sei permesso di risolvere l'emergenza rifiuti senza mezzi, senza soldi e senza operai? E poi ti sei anche messo a spegnere gli incendi dei cassonetti che davano tanta luce a questa città! Fanno bene quella banda di autentici incivili a buttarti il sacchetto fuori dal cassone, fanno bene, sempre gli stessi, a romperti le “giare”. Che ti sei messo in testa? Ora pure sta storia della spiaggia in città! Ha ragione l'opposizione che ti ha bloccato mentre cercavi di eliminare gli scarichi fognari, non lo sapevi che sono indispensabili per il recupero della nostra costa? Insomma Nicola, io me ne vado all'opposizione, almeno lì posso stare tutto il giorno a lamentarmi oppure ad inventarmi qualcosa su cui lamentarmi e adesso mi hanno detto che posso metterti il bastone tra le ruote a seconda se si parla di bilancio o di piano triennale delle opere pubbliche, perché in consiglio comunale siamo molti di più e questo grazie al fatto che ci siamo “fregati” la maggioranza con l'apparentamento tra Tony e Vinny. What a coup that we've done, the people has thrown out the door and we came back from the window, "hahaha". This is politics, you know Nico? But that tells you your head? Want to change this city and you also provide a new, young and skilled leadership? You know what? He is right when he says that the opposition was better when we were worse and then I go to the opposition, where I can do and say the worst that I can and I want, as someone who beats me hands and me says, "but Miiii Bonu speaks" I always find it, so if you accuse me of contempt of Italian grammar I do not condemn anyone, in fact I give solidarity. I know that government for the next 4 years and I know that this city really change how you are doing that already. But know one thing. We are the opposition and do not know each other and that's why the people have voted there before and we do not even vote next time, but we are the opposition and know how to do this.
Giampaolo Caruso
"You are right my friend Giampaolo Caruso, in this long 'political euphemism'. In this city, once a symbol of patronage and compromise, and today, despite the difficulties, the capital city full of pride who wants revenge from the mistakes of the past, unfortunately, to emerge are always the 'contradictions' of politicians who works as are opponents, which does not fit anything but their own advantage ... and how to get this? Simple, going against the change, the modernization of an institution, and especially against a Mayor that consistency and legality in his life has made virtue. This is not to say that everything that says and realizes that our Mayor is right, just that only about 2 years have passed since his inauguration, and that a legislature is made up of 5 years, and then Let him work! expiry of the mandate will be to the people, the Mazaresi to decide if it was a good or a bad thing to have Nicola Cristaldi Mayor of the city of Mazara del Vallo. Next projects, proposals, suggestions, on the policy! Personal way, slander, gossip and barricades. Basically this is why people have chosen you and not me June 7, 2009. "GIORGIO RANDAZZO
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