Since resets in 1994 three quarters of the political class with strokes of the Magistracy (say 3 / 4, because the PCI came out unscathed) in our country today, as never before, were expected to reform Justice and the Judiciary in order to restore equilibrium between the powers then rejected. The beauty is that to say it is not me, but the founding fathers, the right and left intellectuals, lawyers, observers, etc. .. There have been many attempts (bicameral, government technicians, etc. ..), but because these reforms are never were successful? Easy to enjoy because of a possible reform in this regard between 60 million Italians there is a man called Silvio Berlusconi. Who cares if because of this imbalance have been lost pieces of the left on this journey that lasted 18 years, governors, ministers and even governments (see the case of Mastella 2008) in fact have been "cleared" with strokes of the Judiciary, but to what Apparently the end justifies the means, do not mind losing a "companion" or the government of hundreds of local government, the important thing is to "kill" the enemy. Too bad that the same people who for 18 years trying shoulders and head, are on their way to see the champions of values \u200b\u200band principles important, and so far nothing strange, but in their view are the only ones qualified to keep alive the memory of heroes of our Republic, heroes such as Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino, and here lies something strange. This is because the consistency in the sphere of Italian left scrooge amounts to a crime.
Here are some of Giovanni Falcone statements about the judiciary system in its entirety.
This is no inconsistency or political manipulation?
1) The MSM has become instead self-government and a guarantor of the judiciary, a structure from which a magistrate must look ... with internal currents become the transmission belt of the political struggle. (The Republic May 20, 1990)
2) How many other damages must produce this politicization of justice? (La Stampa, September 6, 1991).
3) I say that we must be careful not to be confused with criminal justice policy. In this way, Italy claim the cradle of law, threatens to become its grave. (La Stampa, September 6, 1991).
4) You can not invest in the culture of suspicion everything and everyone. The culture of suspicion is not the antechamber of the truth. The culture of suspicion is the antechamber of Khomeinism. (Quoted in Mario Patron, "the shadow" Milan 1996).
5) I feel I share the analysis that, in the absence of institutional checks on the activity of PM, will be increasingly great danger that informal influences and links with occult occult centers of power can influence the conduct of that business ... I think it's time to streamline and coordinate the activities of the PM so far made almost irresponsible for a fetishistic view of the obligation of 'prosecution and the lack of such controls on this activity. (Senigallia conference March 15, 1990).
6) The PM should not have any kind of relationship with the judge and not to be, as it is today, a kind of paragiudice .... Those who, like me, instead requires that judges and public prosecutors two figures are structurally different in skills and career, is branded as an enemy of the independence of the judiciary; un nostalgico della discrezionalità dell'azione penale desideroso di porre il PM sotto il controllo dell'Esecutivo. ( la Repubblica 3 ottobre 1991)
Here are some of Giovanni Falcone statements about the judiciary system in its entirety.
This is no inconsistency or political manipulation?
1) The MSM has become instead self-government and a guarantor of the judiciary, a structure from which a magistrate must look ... with internal currents become the transmission belt of the political struggle. (The Republic May 20, 1990)
2) How many other damages must produce this politicization of justice? (La Stampa, September 6, 1991).
3) I say that we must be careful not to be confused with criminal justice policy. In this way, Italy claim the cradle of law, threatens to become its grave. (La Stampa, September 6, 1991).
4) You can not invest in the culture of suspicion everything and everyone. The culture of suspicion is not the antechamber of the truth. The culture of suspicion is the antechamber of Khomeinism. (Quoted in Mario Patron, "the shadow" Milan 1996).
5) I feel I share the analysis that, in the absence of institutional checks on the activity of PM, will be increasingly great danger that informal influences and links with occult occult centers of power can influence the conduct of that business ... I think it's time to streamline and coordinate the activities of the PM so far made almost irresponsible for a fetishistic view of the obligation of 'prosecution and the lack of such controls on this activity. (Senigallia conference March 15, 1990).
6) The PM should not have any kind of relationship with the judge and not to be, as it is today, a kind of paragiudice .... Those who, like me, instead requires that judges and public prosecutors two figures are structurally different in skills and career, is branded as an enemy of the independence of the judiciary; un nostalgico della discrezionalità dell'azione penale desideroso di porre il PM sotto il controllo dell'Esecutivo. ( la Repubblica 3 ottobre 1991)
Questo è ciò che pensava Giovanni Falcone e mi basta il fatto che l'abbia detto lui per credere che sia GIUSTO!
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