Monday, February 28, 2011

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Milleproroghe, more aid to the weakest

rules on temporary workers from milk quotas, the restoration of funds for publishing the earthquakes and the tax on waste from Parmalat in Italian post office. These are the key measures of Milleproroghe after the corrective measures taken by the executive. The text of the maxi-amendment was approved by the House this morning with 309 yes compared to 287 against. The difference in favor of the government was therefore less than 22 votes. With the measure popped the provincial candidate for the precarious school, some provisions on Rome, the block in 2011 the demolition of illegal houses in Campania, the reorganization of the staff of Consob, the Office of the President of seven for the supervision of public contracts, the news for the lifeguards and extension of the concessions relating to contracts in the Etna area. Light touch to the standard sull'anatocismo.

Here are the main measures:
Abruzzo. E 'suspended the collection of unpaid installments due between January 1, 2011 and October 31, 2011. The recovery of collecting installments not paid to be governed by a decree of the President of the Council of Ministers. The norm is also the shifting of the terms of the obligations tax from January 2011 to December 2011. It also established the 'day of remembrance for the victims of the earthquake' that has affected the Abruzzo, and stipulate that "this day is not for working holidays."

Books and local television. Coming to the € 30 million fund to support publishing and € 15 million for local radio and TV. The cut in resources envisaged in the original text is reduced. With the new appropriations fund to support the publishing comes to 166 million euro, including 86 million of waste last year.

Five per thousand. The funding for 2011 is increased to 300 million total (the bill stability will only set aside 100). Up to 100 million will Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

compounding. Fixed in 10 years after the last application of interest Quarterly prescription for appeal. The government stated that the banks still will not get back the money already refunded to customers.

Parmalat. Hang in fact any amendments to the statute that prevents the group to distribute dividends in more than 50% of profits until 2020.

Banks. In view of the constraints imposed by more stringent Basel 3 is permitted to the institutes for the purpose of calculating the capital base to process the deferred tax assets recognized in financial statements in tax credits in the budget if you detect a loss for the year. There will also be a referral al 2014 dell'obbligo di alienazione delle partecipazioni superiori allo 0,5% del capitale nelle banche popolari.

Mutui. Per chi è in difficoltà arriva il diritto di surroga anche sulle garanzie, senza necessità e formalità aggiuntive, del mutuo oggetto di sospensione cartolarizzato dalla banca.

Precari. Per tutto quest'anno non si applicherà la norma del collegato sul lavoro che restringe a 60 giorni il termine per l'impugnazione dei licenziamenti.

Poste in banca Sud. Poste Italiane potrà acquistare partecipazioni, anche di controllo, nel capitale di banche, ai fini dell'attuazione della Banca del Sud. Previsto lo scorporo di Bancoposta.

Quote latte. Gli allevatori, che avrebbero dovuto cominciare a pagare le rate delle multe sulle quote latte il 31 dicembre 2010, avranno sei mesi di tempo in più. Le risorse ammontano a 5 milioni di euro.

Tassazione fondi investimento. Dal primo luglio i fondi comuni di investimento saranno tassati sul realizzato e non più sul maturato.

Media-conciliazione. Previsto il rinvio di un anno dell'entrata in vigore dell'obbligo della media-conciliazione per le "liti di condominio e di risarcimento del danno derivante dalla circolazione di veicoli e natanti". Proroga di un anno dell'esenzione del pagamento del contributo unificato per le controversie in materia di lavoro davanti alla Cassazione.

Sfratti. In arrivo la proroga al 31 dicembre 2011 del blocco degli sfratti per le categorie disagiate.

Foglio rosa per motorini e minicar. Per esercitarsi dopo aver passato la prova teorica e in attesa di misurarsi nella prova pratica.

Manifesto selvaggio. In arrivo una nuova sanatoria per 'manifesto selvaggio'. Si pagherà una sanzione di mille euro e il pagamento dovrà essere effettuato entro il 31 maggio 2011.

Risorse a enti lirici. Un aumento di 15 milioni di euro per il fondo unico dello spettacolo (Fus) ma sarà finalizzato solo alle fondazioni liriche. In arrivo anche risorse per l'Arena di Verona, la Scala di Milano e la fondazione orchestra sinfonica e coro sinfonico di Milano Giuseppe Verdi.

Soldi alluvionati. In arrivo 100 milioni di euro per la Liguria, the Veneto, Campania and the municipalities of the province of Messina.

ghost houses. A month to declare the ghost houses. The deadline postponed to April 30.

Advance to the Municipalities. Pending the implementation of federalism, municipal, municipalities to get an advance municipal income tax on amounts collected.

respective card to charitable organizations. The government relies on the social card to charitable organizations from which it will launch a trial of 12 months.

Bot and insurance. Insurance companies may enter government budget, which is valid for the calculation of solvency, the guaranteed bonds issued by European countries, provided they remain 'permanently' in their heritage.

digital TV. For replenishment of the fund for the transition from analogue to digital has authorized the expenditure of € 30 million for 2011, money that will be taken from resources for action to broadband.

Assisted reproduction. The Centers for medically assisted procreation must send the required data to the Ministry of Health which will forward them at the Higher Institute of Health and the National Transplant Center.

Fund wear, mafia extortion. Born single fund.

Fuels. Extension in 2011 of the lump-sum deduction from business income for merchants service stations.

Italian hospitals in the world. Coming a contribution of 200 thousand € in 2011.



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