Saturday, December 29, 2007

Hombres De Paco Episodes

The Inflation Tax

All government spending represents a tax. The inflation tax, while largely ignored, hurts middle-class and low-income Americans the most. Simply put, printing money to pay for federal spending dilutes the value of the dollar, which causes higher prices for goods and services. Inflation may be an indirect tax, but it is very real – the individuals who suffer most from cost of living increases certainly pay a “tax.”
Unfortunately no one in Washington, especially those who defend the poor and the middle class, cares about this subject. Instead, all we hear is that tax cuts for the rich are the source of every economic ill in the country. Anyone truly concerned about the middle class suffering from falling real wages, under-employment, a rising cost of living, and a decreasing standard of living should pay a lot more attention to monetary policy. Federal spending, deficits, and Federal Reserve mischief hurt the poor while transferring wealth to the already rich. This is the real problem, and raising taxes on those who produce wealth will only make conditions worse.
Borrowing money to cut the deficit is only marginally better than raising taxes. It may delay the pain for a while, but the cost of government eventually must be paid. Federal borrowing means the cost of interest is added, shifting the burden to a different group than those who benefited and possibly even to another generation. Eventually borrowing is always paid for through taxation.
The third option is for the Federal Reserve to create credit to pay the bills Congress runs up. Nobody objects, and most Members hope that deficits don’t really matter if the Fed accommodates Congress by creating more money. Besides, interest payments to the Fed are lower than they would be if funds were borrowed from the public, and payments can be delayed indefinitely merely by creating more credit out of thin air to buy U.S. treasuries. No need to soak the rich. A good deal, it seems, for everyone. But is it?
The “tax” is paid when prices rise as the result of a depreciating dollar. Savers and those living on fixed or low incomes are hardest hit as the cost of living rises. Low- and middle-incomes families suffer the most as they struggle to make ends meet while wealth is literally transferred from the middle class to the wealthy. Government officials stick to their claim that no significant inflation exists, even as certain necessary costs are skyrocketing and incomes are stagnating.
The transfer of wealth comes as savers and fixed-income families lose purchasing power, large banks benefit, and corporations receive plush contracts from the government – as is the case with military contractors. These companies use the newly printed money before it circulates, while the middle class is forced to accept it at face value later on. This becomes a huge hidden tax on the middle class, many of whom never object to government spending in hopes that the political promises will be fulfilled and they will receive some of the goodies. But surprise – it doesn’t happen. The result instead is higher prices for prescription drugs, energy, and other necessities. The freebies never come.
The moral of the story is that spending is always a tax. The inflation tax, though hidden, only makes things worse. Taxing, borrowing, and inflating to satisfy wealth transfers from the middle class to the rich in an effort to pay for profligate government spending, can never make a nation wealthier. But it certainly can make it poorer.

Ron Paul , July 18, 2006

(Dr. Ron Paul is a Republican member of Congress from Texas and a candidate for President of USA)

סריאל ל Mount&blae

Scopi di questo blog

This blog was created with specific purposes.
1. Put in contact with each other Les émigrés Italiens, the Italian emigrants.
Italy is a country which has become unlivable. Dominant families of poor quality make us live, harassed, in a hell of immigrants, drug dealing, prostitution, oppressive laws, crime, night clubs, social centers, pollution and noise.
Of course who can begin to look around the world wide, and other countries can offer quality of life, security, peace (including tax) much greater. In recent decades of oppression and ideological tax tens of thousands of Italians, belonging to the productive classes, if they have already gone abroad.
Leaving is not an easy choice, involves a personal commitment and family and a complete change of lifestyle.
Those who have already implemented this choice, and those who are about to implement it, can be found in this blog a place of dialogue and exchange of information and advice.
2. Rediscover and re-evaluate the traditional European and Western culture.
hypocritical and vulgar ideologies of the last two centuries of the last millennium have led to a seemingly irreversible decline of the Greater Europe thousands of years earlier. A crippling statist welfarist is choking even the natural dynamics and productivity of the United States of America, undermining traditional values \u200b\u200bof liberty, property, free trade.
must therefore be a careful, impartial, profound work of historical revision of the role of various social classes in the construction of the largest economic and cultural development of Western civilization.
3. Supporting the economic and cultural argument of the Austrian School.
This current of thought has great economists such as Ludwig Von Mises, Friedrich August von Hayek, Murray Newton Rothbard, Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Jesus Huerta De Soto. Temporarily connected to the third goal, during the U.S. presidential election, this blog supports the candidate Ron Paul, admiring the ideas and courage.
Di San Filippo Matteucci Ginesio

Friday, November 2, 2007

How To Play .rsd File

Registrazione del Preliminare di vendita o compromesso

The innovations introduced by the Finance Act 2007
the preliminary contract of sale must be registered within twenty days after its signature, on each copy must be applied a stamp from € 14.62, registration requires the payment of tax Log in fixed amounts to € 168.00 regardless of the purchase price, are also due to the proportional tax on amounts paid as advance payment or deposit.

upon down if the sale is subject to registration tax applies tax of 3% (first or second home), which will be deducted from registration due at the time of the final deed (except dei 168 euro dell'imposta fissa che non si potranno recuperare). Se la vendita è invece soggetta ad IVA, è obbligatorio emettere fattura per l'importo relativo all'acconto, applicando l'IVA, con la relativa aliquota prevista per la vendita (4% per la prima casa, 10 per la seconda casa, 20% per le case di lusso).

Sulla caparra si applica sempre l'imposta di registro con l'aliquota dello 0,5 %, anche per gli atti soggetti ad iva anche l'imposta di registro pagata sulla caparra potrà essere detratta da quella dovuta al momento del rogito definitivo (ad eccezione dei 168 Euro di imposta fissa che non si potrà recuperare) ma ovviamente non sarà possibile recuperare l'imposta di registro quando the sale is subject to VAT. In
sales subject to VAT, so the stamp duty paid on the deposit is always an extra cost due to VAT on the sale, while VAT on advance is just a preview of the VAT which would be due at the time of the deed. Trading In

subject to registration, however, the proportional tax paid on advance or deposit is always an advance on pay from the deed.

To allow the recovery of taxes paid on the compromise, the notary must deliver the original documents on its registration and payments made.

Registration del contratto preliminare è sempre stata obbligatoria ma fino a ieri in realtà erano in pochi a registrare il contratto preliminare, oggi le nuove regole che impongono di indicare nel rogito i pagamenti gia avvenuti con l'indicazione degli importi e del metodo di pagamento (contanti, assegno, bonifico) rendono evidente agli occhi del fisco, la presenza di un compromesso.

Dal 1° gennaio 2007 la legge impone anche gli agenti immobiliari la registrazione di tutte le scritture private non autenticate di natura negoziale stipulate a seguito della loro attività (tra cui i contratti preliminari di compravendita) rendendoli anche responsabili 'in solido' delle imposte dovute (dunque tenuti a pagare di tasca propria le imposte if not paid by the parties).

The wording of the rule means that estate agents are obliged to record the preliminary agreement or compromise even when it is drafted by the parties themselves, where the agreement between the parties was reached thanks to their intervention. The requirement therefore extends to any compromises at the office of undersigned notary, with the exception of those authenticated by the notary himself, for which he must provide directly to registration and trascizione logs immmobiliari .

E 'to mention that the proposed contract (proposed acquisition) is converted into a contract automaticamnte preliminary sales where acceptance is communicated to the purchaser at the time, and then there is the obligation to register.

How to register: Run
first payment of taxes in a bank or post office by presenting the special model in triplicate 23 F on which they reported the data of the buyer and seller as a code indicating tribute to the 109T.
Complete the registration request on a special form 69 on which they reported the data of the parties and social security numbers.
then present the model F23 form 69 together with the contracts must be registered in any office of the Inland Revenue that will return them holding an original.

In case of late registration (over 20 days from the date of signing) a penalty equal to 30% of tax due

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

New York Gay Public Toilet


In Italy, until a few years ago, the sale of property was marked by a very simplified contractual practices contained in the key stages of the preliminary contract and the final. This practice has gradually expands as a result of the evolution of the function and shape of a new commercial entity, the real estate broker (activity governed by the law February 3, 1989, No. 39), which operates in several stages which can be summarized as follows: responsibility for sales, the seller signs an aspiring pre-printed form that delivers real estate agent, working to a time a particular property for a future sale;
the proposed purchase, the real estate agent in possession of office sales in the market looking for potential buyers, by subscription, usually even more than an interested party, a form precisely pre-defined "Offer"
acceptance of the purchase, by subscription on the same pre-printed, or on a separate sheet;
conclusion of the preliminary contract;
conclusion of the final contract of sale.

The irrevocable purchase

When at last, alone or with the help of the estate agency, an agreement is reached on price, begins the chain of papers to sign. It is not, in reality, a process too long and complex, but must be followed precisely to avoid hassles and disappointments. Commit to do what is necessary, step by step, it means peace deal with the delicate matter of purchase of the house.
The first step is just the irrevocable offer to purchase, the buyer sends the seller (in the form of a telegram or registered letter with return receipt requested), and pledged to buy the house under the conditions and the price has been agreed verbally before. This proposal commits the buyer only.
The proposal must be irrevocable purchase the following items are essential:
- data of the seller and buyer;
- address, description and price of the house;
- period within which the seller must accept the proposal;
- times payments, date and place of future deeds.

Acceptance of the proposed purchase

The seller is free to reject it, but if you accept it (also by telegram or letter) the buyer is obliged to keep faith with its offer.
If the seller does not respond within the time limit set by the buyer, it has absolutely no obligation. It is generally required to accompany the irrevocable deposit with the selling price: This is a free choice, given that the commitment is taken with the proposal itself and not with the delivery of a sum.

The preliminary contract

is an act that precedes the deed itself, and its official name is "promise of sale".
This is a document of a private (not must, in fact, must be drafted by a notary) between the parties, in which, however, have already identified all the aspects that will be included in the final act of sale itself, called "deed". Everything, that is, must have already decided to compromise and that is why you should write it in full details as possible. Can be written on ordinary paper, but it is recommended to mark so that it can record more easily.
With this contract the buyer acquires the right that the sale is completed to agreed conditions.
Normally when the balance is paid 20% of the price, but the amounts are very free. You can also write it in the land register and pay reduced fees instead of the full tax.
The disadvantage is the total cost of the transaction: we must add the costs of the notary and the tax of transcription, which is not recovered when the house is sold by the manufacturer.
Warning: If the balance is spread by a notary or the signatures are authenticated, the transcript becomes obligatory in any case.
The key elements to be entered in the compromise are as follows.
Full details of the contractors. Price of the property.
The means of payment (check) and the deadline.
The description of the house (land registry results, rooms, appliances) and other neighboring properties.
The date of the deed.
Presence of any constraints (such as mortgages or easements various).
regular with regard to building codes. Any clauses
penitential, or payment of deposit or deposit of Penitence.
The title of possession with the start dates and any restrictions.
The arbitration clause (which will prevent or shorten the time records) for use in the event of termination.
Date and signature of the contractors.
Let's see in more detail the three penitential formulas of the clause, only one of which (choice) may be present in the compromise.
At the conclusion of the preliminary contract will be welded to the commission for mediation.
La clausola penitenziale permette ai due contraenti di recedere dal contratto (prima del rogito) pagando una penale. Se però ambedue sono d'accordo sul non andare avanti con la vendita, potranno risolvere la cosa firmando un accordo a parte evitando di far scattare la clausola.
La caparra confirmatoria consiste in una somma che l'acquirente dà al venditore, prima della conclusione dell'affare, a garanzia del suo buon esito. Se la compravendita va a monte per colpa dell'acquirente, il venditore ha diritto a tenersi la caparra come indennizzo. Se invece la colpa è del venditore, questi restituirà la caparra, raddoppiata, all'acquirente. In ogni caso, il danneggiato può rinunciare alla caparra and obtain instead of the court that the contract is finalized, however. The deposit
penitential unlike the deposit is not sufficient to address the court for the execution of the contract: the victim if the pockets, and everything ends there. The interim
rather not implement any of the mechanisms described above is simply an advance on the price, so the same amount is returned if the deal goes ahead, no matter whose fault it, and without further consequences.
must therefore be careful which of these terms is used in the compromise (or even in the irrevocable offer to purchase) to indicate the possible transfer of money from the buyer to the seller.

The act of buying
It is at this point, the last act, where the deed, that the act of sale itself. In deed they are, in essence, repeated the agreements already entered in the balance, with some additions that was necessary in the meantime. Belong to the notary checks the existence of mortgages, other encumbrances, irregularities or building (unless you have not already done so in person).
Since January 1, 1998 the deed must be accompanied by a "declaration of conformity" of the building to safety regulations (Law 46/1990), relating to electrical installations, issued by qualified technicians. If the house is already in order, the seller can enter in a statement on the regularity of the property deed, with the value of an affidavit. It is the responsibility of the seller to provide any documentation that requires the notary.
L 'buyer at the time of the deed must be present, as a rule, with the money needed to balance. Therefore, practices for the mortgage must be already attend to. In general, the bank has noted of confidence which they have recourse to the drafting of the deed is that the act of mortgage.
Please note that when the deed is usually welded to the registration tax and the notary's fee.
The most common means of payment are cashier's check (preferred because the payment is guaranteed by the bank that issued it).

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Train Chikan Vids Blog

Agente immobiliare o ....fai da te??

If selling your property you decide to work alone then you need to follow step by step the whole process, namely: to collect all the documentation of the property, carry out specialized newspaper advertisements and / or journals, organize visits of potential buyers, negotiate the price and payment options, cash payments or deposits, with the buyer to fix the contents of the compromise and the date of deed (also check whether the buyer has the possibility of obtaining the loan for the purchase ). We should not therefore be afraid to contact the estate agents, because if it is true that the commission can get (in some cases) even to the 4 / 5% (average is 3%) is also true that protects many stress if the agent is good for his lavoro.La first thing to do is check that the 'real estate agency has what it takes to operate and is registered to the appropriate provincial role of mediators. Then, with some appropriate question should be checked if the agent is aware of the complex legislation, without being enchanted by the talking. Attention then
contracts that the agency proposes: If the seller wants a job in exclusive (which is also a guarantee of seriousness), make sure that all expenses including advertising are charged to the agency. The contract must not provide for automatic renewal clauses, or at least should be provided that cancellation is possible in a reasonable time (eg 15 days before the deadline. Do not be entrusted with tasks for longer periods of three to four months do not agree to pay higher fees if 'agent fails to sell at a price above the agreed price. Get your copy of any document you sign. Check if the agent is entered in the Roll.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Airtel Bangalore Telephone Directory Pdf

Agevolazioni prima casa...ecco quello che dovete sapere!

The application of facilities to purchase their first home ( not luxurious, see DM 02/08/1969) provides: Property located in the municipality in which the buyer has or establish within 18 months from their residence (or, one in which the customer carries out his work). Where the purchaser is an Italian citizen who emigrated abroad, the property must be acquired as the first house on the Italian territory. The statement of intent to establish residency in the municipality where the property is located must be purchased in the purchase. In the act of purchase the buyer must declare not to be in communion with the exclusive owner or the spouse of the ownership, usufruct, use and habitation of other houses in the municipality in which the property is situated to buy. In the act of purchase the buyer must state that do not receive, even to share, even in the regime of community throughout the country on legal rights property, usufruct, use, housing and properties bare on other houses purchased by the same person or spouse with benefits. In the case of supplies subject to VAT, the statements referred to above can also be made in the contract preliminare.In making a false statement, or transfer, assignment, sale of property acquired with tax benefits until at least 5 years from the date of their purchase, are due registration fees, mortgage and land as far as ordinary and a surcharge of 30% of first home purchase stesse.Relativamente the benefits of tax are: Registration tax at a rate reduced to 3 percent . VAT rate reduced to 4 percent. Cadastral tax at a fixed rate equal to € 129.11. Mortgage tax on a fixed amount to € 129.11.