Saturday, December 29, 2007

סריאל ל Mount&blae

Scopi di questo blog

This blog was created with specific purposes.
1. Put in contact with each other Les émigrés Italiens, the Italian emigrants.
Italy is a country which has become unlivable. Dominant families of poor quality make us live, harassed, in a hell of immigrants, drug dealing, prostitution, oppressive laws, crime, night clubs, social centers, pollution and noise.
Of course who can begin to look around the world wide, and other countries can offer quality of life, security, peace (including tax) much greater. In recent decades of oppression and ideological tax tens of thousands of Italians, belonging to the productive classes, if they have already gone abroad.
Leaving is not an easy choice, involves a personal commitment and family and a complete change of lifestyle.
Those who have already implemented this choice, and those who are about to implement it, can be found in this blog a place of dialogue and exchange of information and advice.
2. Rediscover and re-evaluate the traditional European and Western culture.
hypocritical and vulgar ideologies of the last two centuries of the last millennium have led to a seemingly irreversible decline of the Greater Europe thousands of years earlier. A crippling statist welfarist is choking even the natural dynamics and productivity of the United States of America, undermining traditional values \u200b\u200bof liberty, property, free trade.
must therefore be a careful, impartial, profound work of historical revision of the role of various social classes in the construction of the largest economic and cultural development of Western civilization.
3. Supporting the economic and cultural argument of the Austrian School.
This current of thought has great economists such as Ludwig Von Mises, Friedrich August von Hayek, Murray Newton Rothbard, Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Jesus Huerta De Soto. Temporarily connected to the third goal, during the U.S. presidential election, this blog supports the candidate Ron Paul, admiring the ideas and courage.
Di San Filippo Matteucci Ginesio


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