Tuesday, September 16, 2008

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Celebrato il "FUNERALE" di Azione Giovani

When we arrived, the scenario we appeared before it was very different from that which we have always been were used. It 's true, is not Atreju Base Camp.

A novelty for those campaigning for a long time among the ranks of Youth Action, per chi da anni fa ciò in cui più crede, per chi, noncurante dei pregiudizi altrui, in prima linea ha orgogliosamente issato vessilli, sventolato bandiere, difeso simboli, ideali e valori.

Una festa che già a dire dai suoi stessi organizzatori non doveva essere solo un momento di cameratismo condiviso, di confronto tra i militanti di Azione Giovani ma un ritrovo di tutti i giovani che si riconoscono nel centro-destra. Un processo di omologazione che da sempre abbiamo combattuto e criticato e di cui oggi, invece, ne siamo i promotori.

Un titolo che faceva ben sperare "Eccezionali per Scelta" ma che in fondo si è rivelato un fiasco, una bufala. Già, perchè abbiamo deciso (o meglio lo the leaders have agreed) that the "exceptional" should be only the torch in less, not the flag of AG, for heaven's sake, not even the shadow of any symbols of identity, no crossed circle that could lead to only one of many journalists present and ready to take the ball to define "the usual nostalgic fascists".

We did not understand the will of those, but it was decided to show themselves for what others want and not what we really are. And then to put it all came clear him, the greatest statesman of all time, one who has managed to bring the right to power but at the same time it has made the funeral.

It 's true, we must recognize it. Nobody ever thought he could get to play the third position in the State, but nobody thought that much less to be able to get the right man for excellence in 2000, who had dared to speak of fascism as MSI's "2000", who Front greeted at the helm of the Roman manner wearing a black shirt, he would have sold out the soul of a party, and therefore the soul of all militants and members, who do not know.

them incredulous, astonished to hear words incomprehensible to us. Anti-fascism as a value to defend. The boys from the wrong side of Salò as combatants and, therefore, as a series of dead B.

For a moment we wondered if we had the wrong place. Catch some around and seeing that those who said this was the Speaker of the House, and former Secretary of AN and dolphin Giorgio Almirante, with our next Minister Giorgia Meloni, who did not dare waste a single word about it, we said it was the right place but we were not to have to BE.

Youth Action has never been that. It has never been denying the past but looking to the future some advanced and aware of its deep roots.

movement that has always taken his example and did what felt right of the fascist doctrine. God, country, family, honor, consistency, courage, discipline and order are just some of the key points that have inspired our work and that allowed us to produce results of elections.

These are the ideals for which we fought for and which will continue to fight and spread proud to NOT be antifascist as Fini, riconoscedoci in those guys that even very young but knowledgeable, brave, decided to fight for what we believe in with one certainty, DIE! Inspired by their

continue in our destiny. Fight remaining on the right side, like them, why is this is the part where we stand. And if the leaders of AG and AN have decided to change banks, we do not follow them, we do not deny, we will continue on our way by exposing our symbols, our flag hoisting, believing in us and in our thinking caring about everyone and everything. Next

guys ... NEXT!


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