Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Memory Exception Voilation Tally


sheets explain

Federalism municipal

February 16, 2011

legislative decree provisions
municipal fiscal federalism

The outline of legislative decree provisions on municipal fiscal federalism provides for the allocation of revenues to the municipalities of several central government taxes and a VAT sharing, establishing a dry coupon on rentals of property for residential purposes and includes, when fully implemented, a new set of skills State and local authorities in the field of taxation land and real estate.
The examination of the key legislative decree by the Parliamentary Commission for the implementation of fiscal federalism ended the day on February 3, 2011. The proposed opinion of the President of the Commission, put to the vote, was not approved since there had been an equality of votes in favor and those against. On the same date, the Council of Ministers has granted approval of a final decree. The next day the President of the Republic - as stated in a note of the Quirinale - in relation to the anticipated delivery for the purposes of adoption under Article 87 of the Constitution, the text of the decree, has been the prime minister that "the conditions to proceed with issuing the request, not having completed the procedure for exercising the powers provided for in paragraphs 3 and 4 of ' art. 2 of Act No. 42 of 2009 which stipulates the obligation to make disclosures to the room before a possible final approval of the decree in parliament deviations from the Guidelines. " The Head of State has accordingly informed the President of the Council not to receive the decree approved by the Gov ernment . As a result, the Minister for S IMPLIFICATION legislation, Calderoli, as reported by news agencies said that the Government will make communications to the Chambers.

The contents of the text submitted to the Chambers
The legislative decree on fiscal federalism municipal moves by the state to municipalities the revenue of many central government taxes: registration tax, mortgage and land, not agricultural land on income personal income tax, stamp duty and stamp duty on leases for buildings and establishing a substitute tax on rent (dry coupon on vacation). In an initial start-up phase, lasting three years (2011-2013), local authorities will receive the proceeds dei tributi immobiliari, che manterranno per questo periodo l’assetto attuale; poi, dall’anno 2014, saranno introdotte nell’ordinamento fiscale due nuove forme di tributi comunali: l’imposta municipale propria (IMU) e l’imposta municipale secondaria.
I tributi in questione alimenteranno un Fondo sperimentale di equilibrio, istituito con la finalità di assicurare una devoluzione ai comuni della fiscalità immobiliare che risulti progressiva e territorialmente equilibrata, la cui durata è fissata per un periodo di cinque anni. Il riparto del Fondo fra i singoli comuni avverrà tendo conto dei  fabbisogni standard  di expenditure ( Leg. No. 216 of 26 November 2010 ) and the results achieved by local authorities in the recovery of tax evasion. For municipalities with a population less than 5,000 people are expected and simplified procedures for allocating different.
Under the revenue that flows into the Fund are reduced transfers / fees payable to municipalities in order to meet the constraint of budget neutrality which underlies the implementation of the draft order. For the same purpose is established the award to the State of sharing of taxes on the proceeds donated to the municipalities. Finally, set up - with effect from the year 2011 - una nuova imposta sostitutiva sui canoni di locazione, denominata cedolare secca che, previa opzione da parte del contribuente, sostituisce l’Irpef sulle locazioni, le addizionali regionale e comunale all’imposta sul reddito e le imposte sui canoni di locazione.
A partire dal 2014 entreranno in vigore per il finanziamento dei comuni, in sostituzione delle attuali imposte, due nuove forme di tributo: l’imposta municipale propria e l’imposta municipale facoltativa.

La proposta di parere oggetto della votazione  presso la Commissione bicamerale per il  Federalismo
La proposta di parere formulata, d’intesa con il Governo, dal presidente della Commissione ,  on. La Loggia,  reca numerose modifiche al provvedimento, sulla base delle problematiche emerse nel corso dell'esame, anche considerate le richieste avanzate dagli enti territoriali.
Il testo  si  configura come interamente sostitutivo del testo presentato dal Governo il 9 novembre 2010

Tra le principali modifiche si segnalano:

1) la riduzione da cinque a tre anni della durata del Fondo sperimentale di riequilibrio (fino all’avvio del Fondo perequativo), per il cui riparto tra i comuni dovrà farsi riferimento al numero dei residenti e riservando una quota, pari almeno al 20%, in favore per i piccoli Comuni;

2) in luogo dell'attribuzione ai Comuni dell'intero gettito derivante dai possedimenti immobiliari (Subject to the rule of a share of it), it is expected that the revenue that remains in the hands of the treasury, with the allocation to municipalities of the a cost of 30%;

3) the allocation to municipalities sharing the proceeds of a VAT, which must be determined by special DPCM extent financially equivalent to the cost of 2% to revenue IRPEF;

4) the promotion of the role dei Comuni all'attività di accertamento tributario, disponendo che la quota, già prevista, del 50% del maggior gettito sia attribuita all'ente locale anche in via provvisoria sulle somme riscosse, salvo conguaglio sugli importi definitivamente introitati; i comuni, come le Finanze hanno accesso alle banche dati sui servizi forniti; ai comuni è assicurato anche tutto il maggior gettito derivante dalla riemersione catastale;

5) la previsione che il gettito proveniente dalla cedolare secca (art. 2), in precedenza devoluta ai Comuni con una quota destinata allo Stato, sia riservato ai Comuni for a share of 21.7% in 2011 and to 21.6% from 2012. The rate of the coupon is fixed at 21% for contracts to rent free and 19% for those with negotiated rents, also provides that for the latter does not apply to any increase in fees, including that resulting Istat index for the entire the duration of the contract, the coupon also follows the rules on advance income tax ;

6) the change in the rate of taxation of property transactions (art. 6), which are identified in 2% for primary residence and 9% nelle restanti ipotesi (le attuali aliquote sono stabilite rispettivamente al 3 ed al 10%, comprese alcune imposte indirette che vengono eliminate);

7) la possibilità, con criteri da definirsi in un provvedimento amministrativo, di aumentare l’addizionale IRPEF (art. 2-ter) da parte dei comuni nei quali non risulti finora stabilita oltre la percentuale del 4 per mille, che comunque costituirà il limite massimo raggiungibile;

8) la fissazione al 7,6 per mille dell’aliquota dell’imposta municipale propria (art. 4), che entrerà in vigore dal 2014 sul possesso degli immobili diversi dalla casa di abitazione. Tale aliquota è pari alla metà per gli immobili locati, con la facoltà per i Comuni di estendere in tutto o in parte tale riduzione anche agli immobili posseduti da soggetti cui si applichi l’imposta sul reddito delle società (Ires); l’imposta potrà essere innalzata sino al 10 per mille o al 5,8 per gli immobili locati; le scadenze sono le stesse dell’ICI (16 giugno, 16 dicembre di ogni anno); l’imposta è indeducibile dalle  imposte sui redditi e dall’IRAP;

9) the definition of a secondary municipal tax introduced from the year 2014, by resolution of city council to replace the following forms of taxation: the tax on the occupation of public spaces and areas, the fee for occupation of public spaces and areas, the municipal tax on advertising, the fee for authorizing the installation of advertising ;

10) the possibility that the provincial capitals and tourist cities and art can establish a tax residence (Article 2-a) up to 5 € per night charged to those staying in accommodation, assigned its revenue to some specific purpose, such as c ui to promote tourism;

11) to provide for a tax purpose (Article . 2c), however, already provided for in the 2007 Budget, to finance investments in public works. The rule can be extended by the type of works, and the maximum duration (10 years) of its application, the tax will cover the full cost of the work;

12) l 'institution in the state budget of an equalization fund (Article 7-ter) for municipalities and provinces, following the determination of the needs standard for basic functions, fueled by tax share devoted to Article 1 and their taxes (IMU and secondary tax) to be the competition for the financing of the functions performed by those organizations.

Legislative Office PDL Group - Chamber of Deputies

Intercourse With Camera

MAZARA, honorary citizenship to Stefania Craxi

MAZARA, honorary citizenship to Stefania Craxi
Saturday, March 5 the conferral of honorary citizenship to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs

Saturday, March 5 at 11am in City Hall, the Mayor of Mazara del Vallo Hon Nicola Cristaldi give the honorary citizenship Hon. Stefania Craxi, Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.

During the ceremony will be awarded certificates of commendation to the staff of the local Commissioner of Public Safety.

"For many years - said the Mayor Cristaldi - Stefania Craxi, in addition to being a friend on a personal level and an authoritative point of reference in the foreign policy of our institutional Country, has shown great sensitivity towards our our navy. We are pleased to finally be able to count among our fellow citizens' fees. "

The program of the visit to Mr Mazara del Vallo. Stefania Craxi provides, in addition to the ceremony of conferment of honorary citizenship (building 11 hours of the Carmelites), at 16.30 a visit to the Fisherman's House and, subsequently, recovered a visit in the alleys of the old town.

Mazara del Vallo, 01.03.2011

Monday, February 28, 2011

What Is Stayfree Used Vedios

Milleproroghe, more aid to the weakest

rules on temporary workers from milk quotas, the restoration of funds for publishing the earthquakes and the tax on waste from Parmalat in Italian post office. These are the key measures of Milleproroghe after the corrective measures taken by the executive. The text of the maxi-amendment was approved by the House this morning with 309 yes compared to 287 against. The difference in favor of the government was therefore less than 22 votes. With the measure popped the provincial candidate for the precarious school, some provisions on Rome, the block in 2011 the demolition of illegal houses in Campania, the reorganization of the staff of Consob, the Office of the President of seven for the supervision of public contracts, the news for the lifeguards and extension of the concessions relating to contracts in the Etna area. Light touch to the standard sull'anatocismo.

Here are the main measures:
Abruzzo. E 'suspended the collection of unpaid installments due between January 1, 2011 and October 31, 2011. The recovery of collecting installments not paid to be governed by a decree of the President of the Council of Ministers. The norm is also the shifting of the terms of the obligations tax from January 2011 to December 2011. It also established the 'day of remembrance for the victims of the earthquake' that has affected the Abruzzo, and stipulate that "this day is not for working holidays."

Books and local television. Coming to the € 30 million fund to support publishing and € 15 million for local radio and TV. The cut in resources envisaged in the original text is reduced. With the new appropriations fund to support the publishing comes to 166 million euro, including 86 million of waste last year.

Five per thousand. The funding for 2011 is increased to 300 million total (the bill stability will only set aside 100). Up to 100 million will Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

compounding. Fixed in 10 years after the last application of interest Quarterly prescription for appeal. The government stated that the banks still will not get back the money already refunded to customers.

Parmalat. Hang in fact any amendments to the statute that prevents the group to distribute dividends in more than 50% of profits until 2020.

Banks. In view of the constraints imposed by more stringent Basel 3 is permitted to the institutes for the purpose of calculating the capital base to process the deferred tax assets recognized in financial statements in tax credits in the budget if you detect a loss for the year. There will also be a referral al 2014 dell'obbligo di alienazione delle partecipazioni superiori allo 0,5% del capitale nelle banche popolari.

Mutui. Per chi è in difficoltà arriva il diritto di surroga anche sulle garanzie, senza necessità e formalità aggiuntive, del mutuo oggetto di sospensione cartolarizzato dalla banca.

Precari. Per tutto quest'anno non si applicherà la norma del collegato sul lavoro che restringe a 60 giorni il termine per l'impugnazione dei licenziamenti.

Poste in banca Sud. Poste Italiane potrà acquistare partecipazioni, anche di controllo, nel capitale di banche, ai fini dell'attuazione della Banca del Sud. Previsto lo scorporo di Bancoposta.

Quote latte. Gli allevatori, che avrebbero dovuto cominciare a pagare le rate delle multe sulle quote latte il 31 dicembre 2010, avranno sei mesi di tempo in più. Le risorse ammontano a 5 milioni di euro.

Tassazione fondi investimento. Dal primo luglio i fondi comuni di investimento saranno tassati sul realizzato e non più sul maturato.

Media-conciliazione. Previsto il rinvio di un anno dell'entrata in vigore dell'obbligo della media-conciliazione per le "liti di condominio e di risarcimento del danno derivante dalla circolazione di veicoli e natanti". Proroga di un anno dell'esenzione del pagamento del contributo unificato per le controversie in materia di lavoro davanti alla Cassazione.

Sfratti. In arrivo la proroga al 31 dicembre 2011 del blocco degli sfratti per le categorie disagiate.

Foglio rosa per motorini e minicar. Per esercitarsi dopo aver passato la prova teorica e in attesa di misurarsi nella prova pratica.

Manifesto selvaggio. In arrivo una nuova sanatoria per 'manifesto selvaggio'. Si pagherà una sanzione di mille euro e il pagamento dovrà essere effettuato entro il 31 maggio 2011.

Risorse a enti lirici. Un aumento di 15 milioni di euro per il fondo unico dello spettacolo (Fus) ma sarà finalizzato solo alle fondazioni liriche. In arrivo anche risorse per l'Arena di Verona, la Scala di Milano e la fondazione orchestra sinfonica e coro sinfonico di Milano Giuseppe Verdi.

Soldi alluvionati. In arrivo 100 milioni di euro per la Liguria, the Veneto, Campania and the municipalities of the province of Messina.

ghost houses. A month to declare the ghost houses. The deadline postponed to April 30.

Advance to the Municipalities. Pending the implementation of federalism, municipal, municipalities to get an advance municipal income tax on amounts collected.

respective card to charitable organizations. The government relies on the social card to charitable organizations from which it will launch a trial of 12 months.

Bot and insurance. Insurance companies may enter government budget, which is valid for the calculation of solvency, the guaranteed bonds issued by European countries, provided they remain 'permanently' in their heritage.

digital TV. For replenishment of the fund for the transition from analogue to digital has authorized the expenditure of € 30 million for 2011, money that will be taken from resources for action to broadband.

Assisted reproduction. The Centers for medically assisted procreation must send the required data to the Ministry of Health which will forward them at the Higher Institute of Health and the National Transplant Center.

Fund wear, mafia extortion. Born single fund.

Fuels. Extension in 2011 of the lump-sum deduction from business income for merchants service stations.

Italian hospitals in the world. Coming a contribution of 200 thousand € in 2011.

Source: http://www.destraitalia.it/

Friday, February 25, 2011

Should I Use Phyicsx Foe Starcraft 2

MAZARA, intense 'of the City and Pompey

MAZARA, intense 'of the Municipal
The list of races to be held in March

Five public auction scheduled for next March, at Mazara del Vallo, in implementation of projects fielded by the Administration Cristaldi.

These races scheduled for next month:

March 9 will be executed as the race for the service for three-year maintenance of elevators installed in municipal buildings and relevance, with an amount with a starting price of € 66,300.00.

E 'set for public auction on March 14 concerning the second part of the works of redevelopment of the promenade and beach access ramps and stairs attached promenades of Mazzini, and Hopps square Quinci. The amount of the base bid is € 77,413.39.

scheduled for March 15 to tender for the continuation of the school meals service (currently provided until March 31) for school year 2010-2011. The amount of the base bid is set at € 131,773.82. Provides for the completion of the service from April to the end of the school. On 21

March will proceed to public auction of the works to restore functionality of the public lighting in via Marsala. The amount of the base bid is € 166,213.45.

In the current month, however, were six tenders and private treaty already being performed for which is pending the award (restructuring Sant'Agnese, routine maintenance and upgrading of Art in the street scoparia, via Sardo Child and clearing away, construction of sewer for the white water in the initial part of Piazzale Europa, arrangement of sections of the street between Via Marsala and Via degli Elimi Mongitore, the search for sponsors the realization of the "model of the old town of Mazara del Vallo" custody of the service of technical advice on self-control procedures and analysis of primary water withdrawals). It remains to be accomplished, on 28 February, the last months of private negotiations on the work of maintenance in the house of Don Gnocchi, confiscated from the Mafia and granted free loan to the Foundation San Vito
Onlus (with a starting Auction € 45,556.21).

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Change Lens On Diana F

Adam: "The President of the Province outside UDC"

Thursday, February 24, 2011 16:37
“Il presidente della Provincia di Trapani si è posto fuori dal partito”. Lo hanno dichiarato congiuntamente il coordinatore ed il presidente provinciale dell’Udc Giulia Adamo e Gianni  Pompeo . “Al  prsidente  Turano è stata chiesta unicamente una dichiarazione politica pubblica e formale di adesione al partito, al progetto dell’Udc verso la Nazione del Nuovo Polo ed ai principi che ne ispirano la linea politica nazionale, regionale e provinciale – affermano Adamo e  Pompeo  – In mancanza della stessa Turano si is placed outside the party and we must take note and take consequential policy initiatives. "

Infant Phlegm Removal


Immigration. Cristaldi, pdl and deputy mayor of Mazara del Vallo "The navy of Mazara stands for the spirit of solidarity"

"Once again our seamen testify to their immense generosity and courage, managed to rescue dozens of immigrants. The fishing fleet of Mazara del Vallo, a bastion of peace and sacrifice of the Mediterranean Sea, the international community is asked to grant an award that is not limited to mere praise and recognition, but is translated into concrete acts of tools and equipment, legislative and financial to enable it to continue to play one of the oldest and most noble professions in the world. Fishing is not only an economic activity, which currently is in a state of serious crisis. E 'culture, civilization and an instrument of peace between peoples and religions. The European Union is called upon to defend it. "

He said the Mayor of Mazara del Vallo, Hon Nicola Cristaldi, expressing the feelings of appreciation and welcomed the crew of the fishing boat mazarese "Chiaraluna", which became the protagonist of the rescue of 37 migrants in the Strait of Sicily.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Calculation Of Dishend Height


Since resets in 1994 three quarters of the political class with strokes of the Magistracy (say 3 / 4, because the PCI came out unscathed) in our country today, as never before, were expected to reform Justice and the Judiciary in order to restore equilibrium between the powers then rejected. The beauty is that to say it is not me, but the founding fathers, the right and left intellectuals, lawyers, observers, etc. .. There have been many attempts (bicameral, government technicians, etc. ..), but because these reforms are never were successful? Easy to enjoy because of a possible reform in this regard between 60 million Italians there is a man called Silvio Berlusconi. Who cares if because of this imbalance have been lost pieces of the left on this journey that lasted 18 years, governors, ministers and even governments (see the case of Mastella 2008) in fact have been "cleared" with strokes of the Judiciary, but to what Apparently the end justifies the means, do not mind losing a "companion" or the government of hundreds of local government, the important thing is to "kill" the enemy. Too bad that the same people who for 18 years trying shoulders and head, are on their way to see the champions of values \u200b\u200band principles important, and so far nothing strange, but in their view are the only ones qualified to keep alive the memory of heroes of our Republic, heroes such as Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino, and here lies something strange. This is because the consistency in the sphere of Italian left scrooge amounts to a crime.
Here are some of Giovanni Falcone statements about the judiciary system in its entirety.
This is no inconsistency or political manipulation?

1) The MSM has become instead self-government and a guarantor of the judiciary, a structure from which a magistrate must look ... with internal currents become the transmission belt of the political struggle. (The Republic May 20, 1990)

2) How many other damages must produce this politicization of justice? (La Stampa, September 6, 1991).

3) I say that we must be careful not to be confused with criminal justice policy. In this way, Italy claim the cradle of law, threatens to become its grave. (La Stampa, September 6, 1991).

4) You can not invest in the culture of suspicion everything and everyone. The culture of suspicion is not the antechamber of the truth. The culture of suspicion is the antechamber of Khomeinism. (Quoted in Mario Patron, "the shadow" Milan 1996).

5) I feel I share the analysis that, in the absence of institutional checks on the activity of PM, will be increasingly great danger that informal influences and links with occult occult centers of power can influence the conduct of that business ... I think it's time to streamline and coordinate the activities of the PM so far made almost irresponsible for a fetishistic view of the obligation of 'prosecution and the lack of such controls on this activity. (Senigallia conference March 15, 1990).

6) The PM should not have any kind of relationship with the judge and not to be, as it is today, a kind of paragiudice .... Those who, like me, instead requires that judges and public prosecutors two figures are structurally different in skills and career, is branded as an enemy of the independence of the judiciary; un nostalgico della discrezionalità dell'azione penale desideroso di porre il PM sotto il controllo dell'Esecutivo. ( la Repubblica 3 ottobre 1991)

Questo è ciò che pensava Giovanni Falcone e mi basta il fatto che l'abbia detto lui per credere che sia GIUSTO!
                                                                                                                   GEORGE RANDAZZO