E 'notice was published on "Project Telesuono - artist residency for young artists."
The call is aimed at young people, groups and local associations to promote their access to the laboratories of urban music, film and multimedia publishing, in the municipalities of Rutigliano (lead institution) and Casamassima, named "Officine UFOs." The selected artists will be able to enter the workshops as a resident and free use of facilities and equipment for production activities in music and film-making and activities such as seminars, meetings and lectures, for a total of 250 hours spread over 12 months.
Applications must be submitted before 13:30 hours of March 15, 2010 . For applications sent by registered mail, the stamp of receipt.
Applications must be submitted before 13:30 hours of March 15, 2010 . For applications sent by registered mail, the stamp of receipt.
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