Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My Cervix Is Really Low Could I Still Be Pregnant

Il 15 marzo 2010 scade il bando Telesuono a Rutigliano e Casamassima (Bari)

E 'notice was published on "Project Telesuono - artist residency for young artists."

The call is aimed at young people, groups and local associations to promote their access to the laboratories of urban music, film and multimedia publishing, in the municipalities of Rutigliano (lead institution) and Casamassima, named "Officine UFOs." The selected artists will be able to enter the workshops as a resident and free use of facilities and equipment for production activities in music and film-making and activities such as seminars, meetings and lectures, for a total of 250 hours spread over 12 months.
Applications must be submitted before 13:30 hours of March 15, 2010 . For applications sent by registered mail, the stamp of receipt.

Katesplayground Nipple

Da oggi si chiedono i contributi in Lombardia

The Lombardy Region is to promote and support the processes for obtaining the Italian patent, European patent and / or other international patents on the part of micro, small and medium enterprises in Lombardy.
The recipients may use the assistance under the contract only for interventions that target the achievement of one or more patents Italian, European or international standards relating to: industrial invention, utility model, ornamental design, new plant varieties and semiconductor topography.
The contribution granted to the extent of 50% of total eligible expenditure, the grant will be paid the following amounts:
• 2,500 € in case of request of an Italian patent
• 5 thousand euro in case of request of two or more patents Italian
8 000 € • in the case of a European patent application and / or international
• 16 000 in the case of request of two or more European patents and / or international.
Requests for assistance must be submitted from March 10, 2010 subject to availability of resources and no later than December 31, 2010. To access
ai contributi, occorre aprire la partita Iva. Vai alla richiesta

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Statistics Of Appendicitis On 2009

Bolzano contributi in rosa

Scadono il 31 marzo 2010 i termini, in provincia di Bolzano, per le domande relative al bando 2010 sull'imprenditoria femminile, che mette a disposizione contributi a fondo perduto per un totale di 600mila euro per la realizzazione di investimenti, la formazione del personale o l'acquisto di servizi di consulenza. Rispetto al bando 2009, e' stata aumentata la percentuale massima di contributo previsto per consulenze e formazione, che passa dal 70% all'80% della spesa, e alle nuove imprese puo' essere concesso un mutuo a tasso agevolato di 40mila euro per un periodo di 60 mesi. Vengono inoltre reduced waiting times for those seeking support for start-up phase.

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