350,000.00 grant is available to businesses damaged by the flood of 25/12/2009, up to a maximum of €. 10.000,00 for each firm.
interventions eligible for assistance are: 1. Production costs of remediation of the site, such as but not limited to construction work, cleaning, maintenance, disposal, operation restore machinery, replacement machinery, furniture, or equipment damaged 2. Acquisition of stocks of raw materials, auxiliaries, consumables, supplies and goods. The grant goes to fund operating expenses in the following sizes: - 30% of the costs referred to in paragraph 1) - 20% of the costs referred to above. Applications for assistance may be required to aggregate amounts equal to or greater than € 1.000,00 (VAT excluded). Requests for assistance should be sent to Camera di Commercio di Pisa fino al 28 febbraio 2010.
L'esaurimento dei fondi stanziati comporterà la chiusura del bando; in ogni caso è fatta salva la possibilità per la Camera di Commercio di chiudere anticipatamente il bando, assicurando idonea diffusione e comunicazione alle imprese partecipanti.
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