Italians are fed up with the hustle and bustle, the city riempitesi of illegal immigrants, drug dealers, prostitutes, night clubs of crime, theft, muggings, rapes, extortion, or to hell, the nightmare in which were guilty of turning our urban areas.
The rapid deterioration in the quality of life in cities in recent years has pushed many families to explore the countryside in search of oases of peace and security. But the hope of finding better living in the countryside proved to be illusory, especially in rural areas close to roads, landfill sites and industrial areas pylons or degradation is similar if not superior to that city with a population composed predominantly of local illegal North Africans and the Romanians, and a few retired farmer, too old to move house and ran away.
But if today you are away from provincial and go into the countryside and in the most remote villages there is a double surprise: the cottages in the most isolated and inaccessible in the past decade were purchased by Englishmen, and, incidentally, now these English are selling mass.
fashion in recent years seemed unstoppable, so the subjects of His Majesty's rush to buy at prices the most absurd and battered huts scatafossate to renovate them and provided with a swimming pool is finished. And ended very badly for the British, who now have to sell extremely uncomfortable and expensive homes, homes that no Italian wants, at least at these prices.
The past decade saga of country houses bought by the British is laughable, the stuff of Italian comedy. Then basking in the strong pound, Britons bought almost with my eyes closed farms, cottages, farmhouses typical of the so-called Umbria, Marche, Puglia. These wet and smelly hovels were shaky state abbandonate negli anni ’60 e ’70 dai nostri agricoltori i quali, godendo di tutti i benefici e i privilegi creditizi e fiscali loro concessi a piene mani dalla Bonomiana in cambio del consenso elettorale alla Democrazia Cristiana, si erano fabbricati moderni edifici, autentiche ville e palazzi dotati di ogni confort. Questi contadini, così beneficiati dal (nostro) pubblico denaro, non immaginavano certo di essere poi colpiti da un’altra imprevedibile fortuna: la moda inglese dell’italian dream, il sogno italiano della country house nel Bel Paese.
L’Italiano è furbo, ha l’occhio lungo, il contadino in particolare, scarpe grosse e cervello fino, con alle spalle una secolare tradizione di ruberie the master, the ancient land owners (those, I mean, that supported fascism, then after the war wiped out by DC in favor of the farmers themselves).
Well, the clever Vergaro Italic, perhaps with his son surveyor or mediator, he jumped at the naive and well-used British fashion: the ruins of huts and tuff or other poor quality material, in uncomfortable places, far from any kind of services, that no one wanted even before the British as a gift, sold for hundreds of millions of pounds to excited (excited!) British subjects. Then the peasant families were celebrating the unexpected deal dissipation in ocean banquet to which relatives and friends were invited, and, of course, "Chicken" British well plucked.
But the deal did not end there: the neoacquistato ruin was to be restored. We all know the lack of fair play when it comes to italics to differentiate its prices to foreign tourists from the prices for Italian: differentiation in the countryside that has been raised to the nth degree. Ingenuous buyer, made even more confident with abundant "lunch" and a lot of false initial reception, the work was recommended for his cousin surveyor, bricklayer brother, the hydraulic generator, the nephew of the owner of the agency for bureaucratic procedures, the 'Friend of building materials dealer. Case of the final value of 100,000 real - € 200,000 cost came to 400,000, 500,000, 600,000 euro. A godsend, a real boon for our countrymen who rightly took advantage, according to the principle: "As long as fools are ...."
Then came the Anno Domini 2008, the year of subprime, the collapse of the housing market in the United States and the United Kingdom, a flurry of bankruptcies of banks and insurance UK, the British government to plug the loopholes in the credit system is fainted and pounds as if they were printed flyers. And the pound against the euro Crash, crash, ever lower, ever deeper: 1.7, 1.4, 1.3, 1.1 ... And the English living in huts con piscina restaurate a caro prezzo, che avevano redditi in sterline, convertivano quelle sterline in sempre meno euro, e cominciavano a chiedersi: “Ma non ci converrà ritornarcene in Gran Bretagna (“go back home”), visto che qui in Italia con le nostre sterline svalutate non ci compriamo più nulla?”. Oltretutto i Britanni si erano nel frattempo stufati di coltivare stentate erbette e verdurine per le talpe, di scorazzare inutilmente coi loro fuoristrada con targa gialla e guida a destra per le nostre campagne, belle sì, ma prive di servizi, di vita sociale tra gente sopportabile, di comodità, così desolate durante le lunghe invernate, e, in fin dei conti, noiose da inedia. Si erano stancati di attendere artistic inspiration with the screen constantly picking up bugs, ants, flies, worms and other campagnola dirt floating in the water of their swimming pools. It was noticed that Italy, the longed for Italy, the Italian dream, more than a dream was a nightmare of illegal immigrants, crime, taxes, bureaucracy, public services scadentissimi, robberies and rapes in
villa ... And then they thought: " But if we sell our typical Tuscan farmhouse Umbria Marche we paid hundreds of thousands of euro, and convert these hundreds of thousands of pounds in euro, then all these pounds in England to return to live like gentlemen. " And so the British crowd our estate agents, brokers here fill message boards, websites and magazines properties of typical farmhouses restored with pool for sale ... but, but ....
But nobody buys. No
Italian with family, with children and / or elderly, can go to live in those lands isolated and secluded, near the village of a few uninhabited old with no facilities, no schools, no hospitals. No Italian is ready then, though free from the need for a family, pay a property three, four, five times its real value. Also because the Italian buyer, always with the eye long, he thinks, "But tomorrow, if I sell this hovel in the countryside, which cracked me buy? ". Not to mention finally that the value of rural areas lies with the 2013, the year in which, in deference to liberal world trade agreements already signed, aimed at encouraging agricultural exports from developing countries, Europe will take away those subsidies to farmers so far it had allowed the survival, resulting in depreciation and future change of use (grazing) land.
I must say that the acknowledged practical sense, the traditional British empiricism, is leading the British trader in a race to lower prices, often in competition with fellow citizens. In this the British are proving to be more realistic and far-sighted of those Vergari our own house to which the typical the country, has remained unsold, and continue to ask for prices in excess of € 100,000, not realizing that, after the fashion of the English, the mere value of their hovels airspace is 10,000 to 20,000 euro at most. And for those 10,000 to 20,000 € must thank some idiotic and antilibertarie state and regional regulations that prevent the citizen the freedom tyrannically primary building on his property on his land, or pillaged imposes a ghostly urbanization and other charges absurd. In the absence of such laws unfair and predatory, in a free market regime, the value of these huts would be negative: the cost of their demolition.
remain pur tuttavia come acquirenti dei casolari tipici i Magrebini e i Rumeni, a prezzi ovviamente magrebini e rumeni.
The rapid deterioration in the quality of life in cities in recent years has pushed many families to explore the countryside in search of oases of peace and security. But the hope of finding better living in the countryside proved to be illusory, especially in rural areas close to roads, landfill sites and industrial areas pylons or degradation is similar if not superior to that city with a population composed predominantly of local illegal North Africans and the Romanians, and a few retired farmer, too old to move house and ran away.
But if today you are away from provincial and go into the countryside and in the most remote villages there is a double surprise: the cottages in the most isolated and inaccessible in the past decade were purchased by Englishmen, and, incidentally, now these English are selling mass.
fashion in recent years seemed unstoppable, so the subjects of His Majesty's rush to buy at prices the most absurd and battered huts scatafossate to renovate them and provided with a swimming pool is finished. And ended very badly for the British, who now have to sell extremely uncomfortable and expensive homes, homes that no Italian wants, at least at these prices.
The past decade saga of country houses bought by the British is laughable, the stuff of Italian comedy. Then basking in the strong pound, Britons bought almost with my eyes closed farms, cottages, farmhouses typical of the so-called Umbria, Marche, Puglia. These wet and smelly hovels were shaky state abbandonate negli anni ’60 e ’70 dai nostri agricoltori i quali, godendo di tutti i benefici e i privilegi creditizi e fiscali loro concessi a piene mani dalla Bonomiana in cambio del consenso elettorale alla Democrazia Cristiana, si erano fabbricati moderni edifici, autentiche ville e palazzi dotati di ogni confort. Questi contadini, così beneficiati dal (nostro) pubblico denaro, non immaginavano certo di essere poi colpiti da un’altra imprevedibile fortuna: la moda inglese dell’italian dream, il sogno italiano della country house nel Bel Paese.
L’Italiano è furbo, ha l’occhio lungo, il contadino in particolare, scarpe grosse e cervello fino, con alle spalle una secolare tradizione di ruberie the master, the ancient land owners (those, I mean, that supported fascism, then after the war wiped out by DC in favor of the farmers themselves).
Well, the clever Vergaro Italic, perhaps with his son surveyor or mediator, he jumped at the naive and well-used British fashion: the ruins of huts and tuff or other poor quality material, in uncomfortable places, far from any kind of services, that no one wanted even before the British as a gift, sold for hundreds of millions of pounds to excited (excited!) British subjects. Then the peasant families were celebrating the unexpected deal dissipation in ocean banquet to which relatives and friends were invited, and, of course, "Chicken" British well plucked.
But the deal did not end there: the neoacquistato ruin was to be restored. We all know the lack of fair play when it comes to italics to differentiate its prices to foreign tourists from the prices for Italian: differentiation in the countryside that has been raised to the nth degree. Ingenuous buyer, made even more confident with abundant "lunch" and a lot of false initial reception, the work was recommended for his cousin surveyor, bricklayer brother, the hydraulic generator, the nephew of the owner of the agency for bureaucratic procedures, the 'Friend of building materials dealer. Case of the final value of 100,000 real - € 200,000 cost came to 400,000, 500,000, 600,000 euro. A godsend, a real boon for our countrymen who rightly took advantage, according to the principle: "As long as fools are ...."
Then came the Anno Domini 2008, the year of subprime, the collapse of the housing market in the United States and the United Kingdom, a flurry of bankruptcies of banks and insurance UK, the British government to plug the loopholes in the credit system is fainted and pounds as if they were printed flyers. And the pound against the euro Crash, crash, ever lower, ever deeper: 1.7, 1.4, 1.3, 1.1 ... And the English living in huts con piscina restaurate a caro prezzo, che avevano redditi in sterline, convertivano quelle sterline in sempre meno euro, e cominciavano a chiedersi: “Ma non ci converrà ritornarcene in Gran Bretagna (“go back home”), visto che qui in Italia con le nostre sterline svalutate non ci compriamo più nulla?”. Oltretutto i Britanni si erano nel frattempo stufati di coltivare stentate erbette e verdurine per le talpe, di scorazzare inutilmente coi loro fuoristrada con targa gialla e guida a destra per le nostre campagne, belle sì, ma prive di servizi, di vita sociale tra gente sopportabile, di comodità, così desolate durante le lunghe invernate, e, in fin dei conti, noiose da inedia. Si erano stancati di attendere artistic inspiration with the screen constantly picking up bugs, ants, flies, worms and other campagnola dirt floating in the water of their swimming pools. It was noticed that Italy, the longed for Italy, the Italian dream, more than a dream was a nightmare of illegal immigrants, crime, taxes, bureaucracy, public services scadentissimi, robberies and rapes in
villa ... And then they thought: " But if we sell our typical Tuscan farmhouse Umbria Marche we paid hundreds of thousands of euro, and convert these hundreds of thousands of pounds in euro, then all these pounds in England to return to live like gentlemen. " And so the British crowd our estate agents, brokers here fill message boards, websites and magazines properties of typical farmhouses restored with pool for sale ... but, but ....
But nobody buys. No
Italian with family, with children and / or elderly, can go to live in those lands isolated and secluded, near the village of a few uninhabited old with no facilities, no schools, no hospitals. No Italian is ready then, though free from the need for a family, pay a property three, four, five times its real value. Also because the Italian buyer, always with the eye long, he thinks, "But tomorrow, if I sell this hovel in the countryside, which cracked me buy? ". Not to mention finally that the value of rural areas lies with the 2013, the year in which, in deference to liberal world trade agreements already signed, aimed at encouraging agricultural exports from developing countries, Europe will take away those subsidies to farmers so far it had allowed the survival, resulting in depreciation and future change of use (grazing) land.
I must say that the acknowledged practical sense, the traditional British empiricism, is leading the British trader in a race to lower prices, often in competition with fellow citizens. In this the British are proving to be more realistic and far-sighted of those Vergari our own house to which the typical the country, has remained unsold, and continue to ask for prices in excess of € 100,000, not realizing that, after the fashion of the English, the mere value of their hovels airspace is 10,000 to 20,000 euro at most. And for those 10,000 to 20,000 € must thank some idiotic and antilibertarie state and regional regulations that prevent the citizen the freedom tyrannically primary building on his property on his land, or pillaged imposes a ghostly urbanization and other charges absurd. In the absence of such laws unfair and predatory, in a free market regime, the value of these huts would be negative: the cost of their demolition.
remain pur tuttavia come acquirenti dei casolari tipici i Magrebini e i Rumeni, a prezzi ovviamente magrebini e rumeni.
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