The universities should be employed to expose the clientele, the parentopoli, waste, the inefficiencies, not to protect the caste of barons. These prof. with the megaphone defend themselves and their factories. ... unemployed.
After the movement against the Gelmini decree, the university is still in turmoil for the announced disegno di legge sulla riforma dell’Università che, assicura il governo, si farà in un clima di confronto e di dialogo.
Una riforma necessaria perché il governo vuole abbattere gli enormi sprechi che caratterizzano, ormai, la vita di gran parte degli atenei italiani.
In Italia gli atenei sono 77 e si sono clonati in 360 sedi sparse fra le province decuplicando, di conseguenza, i costi.
L’università di Lecce, trasformandosi in Università del Salento, ha sedi e facoltà anche a Brindisi.
Lo stesso per l’ateneo barese che si è solidamente ramificato a Foggia e a Taranto.
Si espandono le università italiane ma, all’estero, non le conosce nessuno tanto che nelle classifiche international best Italian universities appears around the two hundredth place. Much more in depth, but just down the University of Lecce and Bari Lecce
What do students (and Bari?). Instead of claiming a quality universities, possibly related services, takes the side of the barons. Before the announced cuts affect the budgets of universities, it is right to end the waste. The same, few, present excellence at the University of Salento have been, until now, not mortified by Tremonti, but from the plethora of courses, often artificially created, which have also taken away funding and services to be allocated to the most deserving. Just
these days, television stations and newspapers report that Lecce, at the conclusion of the investigation initiated by the Prosecutor of Lecce, have 25 people under investigation for alleged abuse and the eye of the storm is over just the University of Lecce.
Meanwhile, at this time, the public prosecutor of Lecce has opened a new line of investigation on the master's degree funded by the Region of Puglia. The Guardia di Finanza seized records of two hundred "contracts ethical youth" on suspicion of serious financial irregularities.
For other events, the University of Bari, has earned the honor in the news. In these days was published the book "University tweaked Roberto Perotti. An entire chapter is devoted to the University of Bari for several incidents of lawlessness, cronyism, corruption, sale examinations. The essay is a photograph of a merciless disaster education.
We agree with Marcello Veneziani, 68 need to overthrow, to restore the merit selection, accountability, efficiency in the university.
The universities should be employed to expose the clientele, the parentopoli, waste, inefficiency, not to protect the caste of barons. These prof. with the megaphone defend themselves and their factories. ... unemployed.
Roberto Tundo
component of National Board of An
Una riforma necessaria perché il governo vuole abbattere gli enormi sprechi che caratterizzano, ormai, la vita di gran parte degli atenei italiani.
In Italia gli atenei sono 77 e si sono clonati in 360 sedi sparse fra le province decuplicando, di conseguenza, i costi.
L’università di Lecce, trasformandosi in Università del Salento, ha sedi e facoltà anche a Brindisi.
Lo stesso per l’ateneo barese che si è solidamente ramificato a Foggia e a Taranto.
Si espandono le università italiane ma, all’estero, non le conosce nessuno tanto che nelle classifiche international best Italian universities appears around the two hundredth place. Much more in depth, but just down the University of Lecce and Bari Lecce
What do students (and Bari?). Instead of claiming a quality universities, possibly related services, takes the side of the barons. Before the announced cuts affect the budgets of universities, it is right to end the waste. The same, few, present excellence at the University of Salento have been, until now, not mortified by Tremonti, but from the plethora of courses, often artificially created, which have also taken away funding and services to be allocated to the most deserving. Just
these days, television stations and newspapers report that Lecce, at the conclusion of the investigation initiated by the Prosecutor of Lecce, have 25 people under investigation for alleged abuse and the eye of the storm is over just the University of Lecce.
Meanwhile, at this time, the public prosecutor of Lecce has opened a new line of investigation on the master's degree funded by the Region of Puglia. The Guardia di Finanza seized records of two hundred "contracts ethical youth" on suspicion of serious financial irregularities.
For other events, the University of Bari, has earned the honor in the news. In these days was published the book "University tweaked Roberto Perotti. An entire chapter is devoted to the University of Bari for several incidents of lawlessness, cronyism, corruption, sale examinations. The essay is a photograph of a merciless disaster education.
We agree with Marcello Veneziani, 68 need to overthrow, to restore the merit selection, accountability, efficiency in the university.
The universities should be employed to expose the clientele, the parentopoli, waste, inefficiency, not to protect the caste of barons. These prof. with the megaphone defend themselves and their factories. ... unemployed.
Roberto Tundo
component of National Board of An
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