Friday, November 28, 2008

Drivers Hp Pavilion T3000

Vendola BRUCIA 6 MILIONI di EURO in una Notte

A Pharaonic 'white night' for more "red" of the Italian government. Over six million euro, more than any other big event organized in the country for only three days of play festival in Puglia. This is money allocated by the European Union Region led by Nichi Vendola through funds Por. Money, lots of money, intended to revive tourism, but that will disappear within three days, in fact, between 5 and 7 December. In one, a gigantic event. Exaggeration unprecedented, so that even the CGIL calls "despicable" Regione.Previsti the choice of shows and events of all kinds, as in many other cities. Only if you compare with other major events around the country, does not add up. Why, for example, for the first, pyrotechnics, built by the Roman Notte Bianca Walter Veltroni, the money was spent than three million euro. Less than half of that "vendoliana ', but still too much compared to that of Milan in 2004, for which the City Council has pulled out of only EUR 175 thousand (the rest came from other sources, sponsors, etc.). That Puglia, renamed" Night Parade, "seems destined to go down to posterity as the most expensive in history. Most expensive of the Carnival of Venice, which costs 1 million and 100 thousand euro, more expensive Umbria Jazz, for which you do not spend more than three and a half million compared with a duration of three days is not but fifteen. Only cheaper dell'irraggiungibile 'Film Festival' in Rome, but this year with Alemanno had a reduction of the budget rising from 17.6 million to 15.5. The full amount that Puglia has room for the night Bianca will be managed by public Pugliese Theatre, which received the burden and honor without having to overcome the difficulties of a public announcement. Nearly three million euro has been used to pay the artists, to 180 thousand Baglioni and Venditti, while the only Cirque du Soleil (Lecce) will be spent € 800 thousand. In addition, apart the € 400 thousand for the shows in common 'minor', € 1 million will be used for "manufacturing services and rents', € 180 thousand for" logistics and transfers', € 240 thousand for the SIAE, 540mila 'for the general coordination "96 thousand" expenses of organizational management, "the insurance 18 thousand and 600 thousand euro for the advertising. The President of the Public Theater, Caramel fats, does not deny the enormity of the total expenditure, but the justification: "Of course, the costs are very high but they will be documented (...). You may disagree, but we must check if it was possible to use those funds in a different way. " Not to be strongly disagree is precisely the CGIL, "The union protest at the handling of this matter which is shameful - explains Antonio Fuiano, regional coordinator of the SLC-CGIL -, we were neither involved nor informed and there is no possibility control costs. " The criticisms of the union are targeting another front: "Only 20 percent of resources will be used to benefit companies in the region, while the rest of the money will end up outside. And then, in a time when the South is a battle to qualify for government spending, so we would like to use public money? The figures seem excessive frankly, even in the face of the danger that the money go lost. There are some who wonder why organize another Notte Bianca in the middle of winter and why do not we have focused on private investments, as has happened elsewhere in similar occasion. Massimo Ostillio, Department of Tourism, has no second thoughts instead: "A study in our possession show that for every euro spent by the region, it will return the territory 22. The figure is high, true, but should be considered a maximum figure. "
of Gian Marco Chiocci - from

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Xterra 2010 Roof Mounted Lights


Adapted from IlCorriere : In beautiful desk diaries and pocket diaries Senate specifically designed for 2009 by the fashion house Nazareno Gabrielli, including 365 days he lacks a smartly annotated. The day with the reminder: "Cut the cost of politics." Starting, of course, the cost of the diaries: 260,000 €. Half a billion dollars. For custom notebooks. Would cost more than the gross annual salary of twelve police officers to take and send in areas at risk. The double, triple or even quadruple what can allocate on average for every search on childhood leukemia, the City of Hope in Padua, the structure that operates through private donations without the beak of a penny and public houses of the Italian database children with cancer. We feel we already la lagna: uffa, questi attacchi alle istituzioni democratiche! Imbarazza il paragone coi finanziamenti alle fondazioni senza fini di lucro? Facciamone un altro. Stando a uno studio del professor Antonio Merlo dell’Università della Pennsylvania, che ha monitorato gli stipendi dei politici americani, quelle agendine costano da sole esattamente 28.000 euro (abbondanti) più dello stipendio annuale dei governatori del Colorado, del Tennessee, dell’Arkansas e del Maine messi insieme. È vero che quei quattro sono tra i meno pagati dei pari grado, ma per guidare la California che da sola ha il settimo Pil mondia-le, lo stesso Arnold Schwarzenegger prende (e restituisce: «Sono già ricco») € 162,598 gross, that is less than a Regional Council of Abruzzo.
are all U.S. government to receive relatively low: on average € 88,523 a year. Lordi. Less than half, according to official data published by the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces, the gross salary of a counselor Lombard. Or, if you will, a quarter of what earns per month, the President of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano Luis Durnwalder, taking home € 320,496 gross per year. That is to say almost € 36,000 more than it earns, the President of the United States. (...) If it is true that there are the diaries or menus for ten euro to bring ruin to the Italian State, it is equally true, however, che non saranno le sforbiciatine date dopo il deflagare delle polemiche a raddrizzare i bilanci d’un sistema mostruosamente costoso. Né tanto meno a salvare la cattiva coscienza del mondo politico. Certo, l’abolizione dell’insopportabile andazzo di un tempo, quando bastava denunciare la perdita o il furto di un oggetto per avere il risarcimento («Ho perso una giacca di Caraceni». «Prego onorevole, ne compri un’altra e ci porti lo scontrino»), è un’aggiustatina meritoria. Come obbligati erano la soppressione a Palazzo Madama del privilegio del barbiere gratuito e l’avvio di un nuovo tariffario (quasi) di mercato: taglio 15 euro, taglio con shampoo 18, barba 8, frizione 6… E così the cancellation of the funding of 200,000 euro for the English courses that do not attend any. And many other little things again. A little cut here, a limatina there ... (...) The rest, however, good night. The bad habit of the last twenty years has been that, by force of inertia, the costs continued to rise. To the point that the three Quaestors Comincioli Romano (PDL), Benedetto Adragna (Pd) and Paul Franco (Lega Nord), in summer 2008, admitted writing an unconditional surrender in the budget bitterly: "We could not achieve the objective reversal of the trend of expenditure in this regard on the guidelines set by the document. "
Score: current expenditure Palazzo Madama, in 2008, rose by almost 13 million since 2007 to break through the ceiling of € 570 million and a half. Enormity: a million and € 772,000 to the Senate. With an increase of 2.20 percent. Significantly higher than planned inflation of '1.7 percent.
Blame for certain expenses not easily understandable by an ordinary citizen: € 19,080 in six months rent for ornamental plants, € 8,200 for 'socks and tights of service "(in just three months), 56,000 for' shirts of service (six months ), € 16,200 for 'supply of clothing for motorcyclists service. " But most of the new annuities to not re-elected 57 members and € 7,251,000 to pay for the unstitched "Checks of solidarity" to the senators lost their seats. As Clemente Mastella. Whose "check for reintegration into social life" (not even a prisoner was discharged by the nation's prisons) Famiglia Cristiana, which shocked even asked him to give up those € 307,328 and give it to charity. Yes, hello, "The sum of it by law to all former MPs." Fine.
With the old rules, the 'reintegration into society "by Armando Cossutta has cost € 345,600, to 278,516 Alfredo Biondi, Francesco D'Onofrio to 240,100. A toll paid, of course, by the Chamber. Where Angelo Sanza, for example, found a consolation for the farewell a Montecitorio in un accredito bancario di 337.068 euro. Più una pensione mensile di 9.947 euro per dieci legislature. Pari a mezzo secolo di attività parlamentare. Teorici, si capisce: grazie alle continue elezioni anticipate, in realtà, di anni «onorevoli » ne aveva fatti quattordici di meno.
Un dono ricevuto anche da larga parte dei neo-pensionati che erano entrati in Parlamento prima della riforma del 1997 e come abbiamo visto si erano tirati dietro il privilegio di versare con modica spesa i contributi pensionistici anche degli anni saltati per l’interruzione della legislatura. Come il verde Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio, andato a riposo a 49 anni appena compiuti con gli 8.836 euro al mese che spettano a chi ha fatto 5 legislature pur essendo was elected in 1992 only 16 years instead of 25. Or the Democrat Rino Piscitello: 7,958 € for four legislatures despite not left the House 20 years but only 14. Just like the forzista Antonio Martusciello. But, with its 46 years, not only scored a record baby pensioners this week but has now found a 'pocket money' extra as president of board of directors of Mistral Air: the airline of the Italian post office.
There is hardly surprising that, in a way, the costs of the buildings continued to rise? Quirinale, Senate Chamber, the constitutional court, and CNEL CSM costs all together in 2001 one billion and 314 million euro rose in five years one billion and 774 million. A monstrous sum. But even lower than the reality, the first statement said Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa: it was necessary to include correctly in the account at least another two hundred million euro so far put in charge to other government departments. So in 2007 all institutional bodies together would weigh on the public coffers for a billion and 945 million. To increase in 2008 up to one billion and 998 million. At that point, remember, pandemonium broke out in October 2007, but how, after so many promises of cuts, the rising cost of another 53 million euro, or about the annual budget of the British monarchy? Instant reverse. First, a downward revision. Then another. Up to down to one billion and 955 million. "Only" milioncini ten more than in 2007. By the Quirinale gleefully informed that he had cut, starting from cuirassiers (mirror is commonly used to make the eyes sparkle of Simple Souls), 3 per thousand. Yes, it was little compared to cuts of 61 percent decided by Queen Elizabeth, however, was already a (small) place
... Well it did not happen. Nell'assestamento budget for 2008 the numbers have continued to rise and climb up to 13 August to 2 billion and 55 million €. One hundred million dried over what was predicted in a riot of waving flags to celebrate the "cuts." End result: the increase should have been virtuously content in 0.5 per cent has proved to be at least 5.6: eleven times higher.
(Excerpt from "La Casta", new, updated edition)
Sergio Rizzo, Gian Antonio Stella

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Gta Vice City C0000005 At Adress 00652f30


The universities should be employed to expose the clientele, the parentopoli, waste, the inefficiencies, not to protect the caste of barons. These prof. with the megaphone defend themselves and their factories. ... unemployed.

After the movement against the Gelmini decree, the university is still in turmoil for the announced disegno di legge sulla riforma dell’Università che, assicura il governo, si farà in un clima di confronto e di dialogo.
Una riforma necessaria perché il governo vuole abbattere gli enormi sprechi che caratterizzano, ormai, la vita di gran parte degli atenei italiani.
In Italia gli atenei sono 77 e si sono clonati in 360 sedi sparse fra le province decuplicando, di conseguenza, i costi.
L’università di Lecce, trasformandosi in Università del Salento, ha sedi e facoltà anche a Brindisi.
Lo stesso per l’ateneo barese che si è solidamente ramificato a Foggia e a Taranto.
Si espandono le università italiane ma, all’estero, non le conosce nessuno tanto che nelle classifiche international best Italian universities appears around the two hundredth place. Much more in depth, but just down the University of Lecce and Bari Lecce
What do students (and Bari?). Instead of claiming a quality universities, possibly related services, takes the side of the barons. Before the announced cuts affect the budgets of universities, it is right to end the waste. The same, few, present excellence at the University of Salento have been, until now, not mortified by Tremonti, but from the plethora of courses, often artificially created, which have also taken away funding and services to be allocated to the most deserving. Just
these days, television stations and newspapers report that Lecce, at the conclusion of the investigation initiated by the Prosecutor of Lecce, have 25 people under investigation for alleged abuse and the eye of the storm is over just the University of Lecce.
Meanwhile, at this time, the public prosecutor of Lecce has opened a new line of investigation on the master's degree funded by the Region of Puglia. The Guardia di Finanza seized records of two hundred "contracts ethical youth" on suspicion of serious financial irregularities.
For other events, the University of Bari, has earned the honor in the news. In these days was published the book "University tweaked Roberto Perotti. An entire chapter is devoted to the University of Bari for several incidents of lawlessness, cronyism, corruption, sale examinations. The essay is a photograph of a merciless disaster education.
We agree with Marcello Veneziani, 68 need to overthrow, to restore the merit selection, accountability, efficiency in the university.
The universities should be employed to expose the clientele, the parentopoli, waste, inefficiency, not to protect the caste of barons. These prof. with the megaphone defend themselves and their factories. ... unemployed.

Roberto Tundo

component of National Board of An

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Shawls By Knitted Machine


Frustration Card Game 20 Game


Saturday, November 1, 2008

Mario Salieri Movie Galleries